Monday, March 7, 2016

Maiden Of The Sea

When I took my very first stained glass class 17 years ago I was super excited. I didn't know a thing about it and had not idea what was in-store for me. All I knew is that I wanted to create.....Create something I could be proud of and call my own. Little did I know that I would fall in love with the entire craft. 

At our first meeting the number one item on the adgenda was to choose a pattern. Now, I had a lot to choose from and had a hard time deciding on what type of statement to make on my first piece. Amongst the many to choose from, I ran across this exquisite pattern of a mermaid. Now for those who know me know I absolutely love mermaids: the colors, the shapes, the stories behind each one. I was hooked! The down side was that it was a challenging piece and not a very good pick for a beginner. But I purchased it anyway and promised myself that when I got to be a pro I would create my masterpiece. 

I proudly call this piece "Maiden Of The Sea"
Well, with years of practice behind me and a knack for color and design, I finally said "Go For It!!" 

I am so proud of My Maiden. No other piece can compare. I now can say I truly feel accomplished as an artist and can't wait to continue my love for stained glass art.